Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Aaron Wong Da Wei (1) 1-9
Definition:utterly unconcerned about the consequences of some action; without caution; careless (usually fol. by of): to be reckless of danger

Etymology:O.E. receleas "careless, thoughtless, heedless," earlier reccileas, from -leas "-less" + *rece, recce "care, heed," from reccan "to care," from W.Gmc. *rokijanan (cf. O.N. rækja "to care for," O.H.G. giruochan "to care for, have regard to," Ger. geruhen "to deign," which is infl. by ruhen "to rest"). No known cognates outside Gmc. The same affixed form is in Ger. ruchlos, Du. roekeloos "wicked." Root verb reck (O.E. reccan) is passing into obscurity. The -k- sound is probably a northern influence from O.N. cognate roekja.

Sentence:After hitching a ride from me,many nicknamed me Reckless Aaron.

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